Living With

Below are a selection of stories that link to our Living With framework.

The Oak and The Reed

“On the bank of a river grew a tall Oak Tree. It stood with its roots firm in the ground, and its head high in the air, and said to itself: “How strong I am! Nothing shall make me bow. I look down upon all the other trees.”

The Vampire

"See, I have much money and many oxen and many sheep; and they shall come to the twelve of you as a gift, for I shall die to-night. And it will fare ill with you if you bury me not in the forest at the foot of an apple-tree."

The Hedge Priest

"An Irish parson was walking in Derbyshire one day when a heavy storm came on, and he had to take shelter under a tree. Two young gentlemen and two young ladies were also taking shelter under this tree"

Mare’s Son

"'Come with me to that tree, that maple, that I may take out its heart and make a flute. And I will play all day, and you shall dance. Come with me.'"

The Magic Swan-Geese

“Trouble! But there stood the apple tree.

"Mother apple tree, hide me!"

"Eat some of my wild apples."

The girl quickly ate one and thanked the tree, and the tree hid her with its branches, sheltered her with its leaves.”