Living From

Below are a selection of stories that link to our Living from framework.

Scrumping For Apples

"One autumn day they climbed into the big orchard of one of the richest fattest farmers in the district and went scrumping for apples."

The Snake who became the King's Son-in-law

“When the king saw that, he marvelled. "My old fellow, hearken to me. I have one thing more for you to do. Make me a golden bridge from my palace to your house, and let golden apple-trees and pear-trees grow on the side of this bridge. Then will I give you my daughter."'

The Lamb That Talked

"Before he went to his shop in the village in the morning he would tie the lamb to a tree in the yard.""

The Woodman and The Hatchet

“One day a woodman was told by his master to cut down some trees that stood near a very deep river. The woodman, however, had lost his hatchet, so he went and borrowed one from a neighbour. And so he walked along the river side until he came to the trees which his master had told him to cut down.”

The Two Thieves

“And he climbed lightly up the tree, and put his hand under the crow, and stole the eggs from her, and the crow never felt it.”

The Under Gardner

“Well, this fool came to a forest, where he began to weep because he was hungry. He lay down and fell asleep.”