Living In

Below are a selection of stories that link to our Living In framework.

Apollos Sister

"...he left his comrades and idled through the forest perhaps to spy upon those woodland deities of whom he had heard."

The Girl Who Got Up The Tree

"...The girl got there before him and found a hole dug underneath the tree, and a pickaxe and spade lying by the side of the hole. She was much frightened at what she saw, and got up the tree."

Jack Otter

"...Now a bird, called the willow-biter, built her nest in the dead man's mouth as he hung on the gallows tree, and brought up her fledgelings in it."

The Tailor & his Apprentices

“One day the tailor had to go to the town to buy cloth, and he came back late in the evening, passing on his way home through a lonely wood.”

The Bad Mother

"...And he journeyed a long while, and took no heed, and came into a great forest. In that forest there was a certain house, and in that house were twelve dragons."

The Little Watercress Girl

“So the apple-tree promised to hide her. When the witch came back and found that her bag of money was gone she looked everywhere for the little watercress girl. She searched all through the house, and at last she went into the orchard.”