Kieron Doick

Kieron Doick is Head of the Urban Forest Research Group (UFoRG) at Forest Research. UFoRG delivers scientific knowledge on the UK’s urban forests, defined as ‘all the trees in and around the urban realm’. Kieron gained his PhD at Lancaster University studying the fate of organic contaminants in soil, before joining the Group in 2005. Kieron’s research interests include the assessment of urban forests across the UK, quantifying the role of urban forests in delivering ecosystem benefits to society, and the socio-ecological and urban resilience of urban forests to climate change. Kieron is Lead for the Forestry Commission’s 'Urban Trees and Greenspace in a Changing Climate' research programme; led the Innovate UK funded ‘COMMUNITREE: Connecting tree databases to the public, improving urban tree data for business, government and research’ consortium; and is the current Chair of the CAVAT Executive Board.

Forest Research